I published my recipe for smoked t-bone steak and received many compliments. Therefore I thought it was time to up my game and share with you all this amazing smoked ribeye steak recipe. I might be biased but I think the ribeye is by far the best cut of beef you can get. Even better than the filet mignon – beef tenderloin that I showed off the other week
If you enjoy this recipe you may also enjoy these other smoked steak recipe:
Ingredients Needed For Smoking A Ribeye Steak
- 2 lb beef ribeye steak (bone-in)
- 3 tbsp of your favorite steak seasoning (or a combination of garlic salt and black pepper)
- 2 tbsp olive oil
Preparing Your Ribeye Steak
We’re not going to complicate this simple smoke. You need a big ol’ 2 lb bone-in ribeye steak and your favorite seasoning. While I used a store-bought mixture, you will never go wrong with garlic salt and cracked pepper. Liberally rub your seasoning on both sides of the steak. You can do this as you wait for your pellet smoker to get to temperature.

Smoking at 225 degrees
A beef ribeye has a lot of marbling and fat which makes it a fantastic piece of meat for smoking. By placing the ribeye on the smoker at 225 it gives the steak time to render the fan which enhances the flavor of the meat.
Reverse Searing and Resting Your Bone-In Ribeye
I always aim for a medium-rare steak. This requires letting it stay in the smoker until it hits about 130 degrees F. If you like your steak more well-done cook it to the appropriate temperature – just remember that you need to leave room for an additional 5-10 degrees from the last step. Reverse Seering.
While you turn your pellet smoker to maximum heat (or turn on your gas grill as I do) rub the ribeye with a small coat of olive oil. Place the ribeye on the hottest part of your grill (or smoker) and give it about 1-2 minutes. You’ll then want to slip the steak over and allow the other side to seer appropriately. You know the steak is done by using a temperature probe. Again, I’m aiming for a final done temp of about 140 which is medium-rare. You cook your steak how you enjoy it.
After you remove the ribeye from the grill (or smoker) let it rest for 5-10 minutes to reabsorb the juices. Then slice and serve. Enjoy!

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